Get Your Dissertation Accepted on Your Next Submission
…or we’ll keep working with you for free until it is.
Our Guarantee:
Your committee will approve your dissertation.
You’ll pass your oral defense.
You’ll overcome any committee roadblocks that come up and graduate
Success Rate
People Coached
Years Experience
45-Minute, No-Obligation Consultation to Understand Problematic Areas and Suggest Strategy
Schedule Your Free Discovery Call
Can’t Find a Suitable Time?
50% of doctoral students never complete their programs
My committee just won’t accept my dissertation no matter how many times I revise.
I’m worried that if I don’t finish my dissertation, I’ll end up with student debt and no degree.
Our clients have a more-than 90% graduation rate.
Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate
Some of the Universities We Have Worked With
Witness the Dissertation Journeys Transformed by Our Guidance
“Dr. Tippins is a positive influence. He changed me as a person as well.”
Cynthia Rolf
“He guided me through the process in every single step of the way. I had somebody on my side, and I wasn’t alone anymore”
Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate
What to Expect

One-on-one support
Access to live coaching sessions each week
Live writing sessions
Access to experts in everything from writing to study design to quantitative analysis
Online course material
Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate
Our Process
Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate
About Dr. Steve Tippins
Qualitative, Quantitative, Post-Degree Support
Steve Tippins has been a professor in various forms for 30 years. His true passion lies in helping people achieve their goals.
He has worked for traditional universities such as Howard University and the University of Wisconsin – LaCrosse as well as Walden University for the last 20 years and spent 4 years on the graduate faculty at Northcentral University, in addition to holding positions at Grand Canyon University and Capella University. He has also worked for insurance companies and banks and consulted for numerous firms, both for-profit and not-for-profit.
Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate

Success Stories
Discover how we’ve helped doctoral students complete their dissertations and advance their academic careers!

Over 300+ Students Coached • 40+ Years of Experience • 90% Success Rate
What are your waiting for?
Schedule Your Free Discovery Call
Our Guarantee:
Your committee will approve your dissertation.
You’ll pass your oral defense.
You’ll overcome any committee roadblocks that come up and graduate